While my mom was in town we did a lot of sewing. She taught me how to follow a pattern and we made Halle these two dresses. She also helped me finish a picnic blanket and an apron. It rained all week but we did manage to go to Downtown Alive and listen to some music and for Memorial Day we went to my cousin's pool for some fun in the sun.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Birthday Party
I still can't believe Halle is ONE!!! We celebrated her big day with family, food, and fun! I made her a little tutu for her special day and Mike and I got her the polkadot anywhere chair. She is our little Halle Bird!!
My mom came down for the week and Halle just loves her GG!!
These are her invitations that I had fun making. We went with a little garden theme.
Ladybugs on a stick
Halle loved sitting in her chair and being the center of attention.
She didn't know what to think of the cupcake. She didn't eat too much of it and by this point she was ready for a nap. However, after everyone left she devoured a slice of the butterfly cake. She was in heaven!!
We also bought her a huge bubble wand and it was the hit of the party. We had bubbles the size of Camille. It was amazing!!
It was so sweet of everyone to drive up for her celebration day!
Her and her daddy!! I love you girly!!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Halle!!

Here is your birth story:
Your original due date was May 23rd and when I switched doctors it became May 21st. On May 21st I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was high and they wanted me to come in the next day so they could induce me. Well after the dr’s appointment I stopped at the mall to pick up a nursing bra and about passed out. I should have listened to the doctor about the blood pressure. The nice ladies in the store brought me water and gave me a luna bar. I took it easy the rest of the day and was bursting with emotions about meeting you in only a matter of a day or two. The next evening your dad and I drove to the hospital. As we were packing the car Shawna, our neighbor, asked how I was doing. I broke down in tears. I was so scared of labor, scared and nervous of becoming a new mom, but was also extremely excited to meet you and hold you in my arms. We got to the hospital that evening and they watched my blood pressure. Poor dad had to sleep on a tiny uncomfortable pull out chair. The next morning the nurses came in to induce me. By about 12 or 1 that afternoon the contractions came on and you were ready to come out into the world. Your dad was a ball of excitement and nervous energy. He was in and out of the room. I watched tv and when the contractions became more painful I remember thinking I was going to break the bed rail because I was pushing against them so hard. I was dialated to I think a 6 when I said I wanted the epidural. What a weird feeling having that injected in my back. Shortly after I had a sudden urge of pressure and the need to push. The nurses at first didn’t believe me but you and I were ready to meet, hug and kiss. Out you came with a few pushes. You weren’t crying just kind of like hey, ya’ll interrupted me from my beauty sleep. The nurses had to coax you into crying so they could wipe up the gunk. Your dad was a little scared and grossed out to cut your umbilical cord but he was a pro. They placed you on my chest and I was in awe of your beauty. Your dad was in tears and it was a magical moment. I spent the next waking moment of the next two weeks just staring at your adorableness dreaming of our life together without a care in the world. You are so precious and we are so blessed that the Lord chose us to be your parents! Love you little girl.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day
I had a great first Mother's Day! Mike surprised me with breakfast in bed and Halle's gift to me was sleeping in till 10!! Wahoo! Then we went to Clemson's Botanical Gardens and had a picnic overlooking a large pond filled with coy fish and turtles. After a great afternoon we came home and Halle napped while I planted my flowers from Mike and his mom. It was a great day!

Our yummy picnic with Mike's parents.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I Love Springtime in the South
(Sorry this post is a little out of order but my pictures were posted weird and I didn't feel like spending forever fixing it.)
Halle loved the lake!!
(This is why they call them the Blue Ridge Mountains)
(This is "our spot" where we park and hang out. There is a place in the woods where some people have made a cool little campsite that we are thinking of going for Mother's Day weekend)
It has been such beautiful weather lately down here in South Carolina! Mike and I have been doing a lot of things around town that are free and it's surprising how many fun things there are to do that require no money. Downtown Greenville has concerts every Thursday and Friday and we have gone to a few of those. Next week they are playing E.T. in the park. I hope we can make it. Last weekend we went on a hike to a waterfall with our friend Emily who was in town from Boone. It was a fun hike with a yummy picnic. Today we got the boat out and and went to the lake. It was Halle's first time on the boat and I was a little worried that she would hate sitting in a bulky uncomfortable life jacket but she loved every second of it. She had the wind in her face and was blowing raspberries the whole time. I love being outside in the Springtime!!
What a huge waterfall, huh? I forgot to take a picture of the real waterfall. So sad!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Rain+Fort+Wheat Thins=Fun Times
Yesterday was a rainy day so Halle and I decided to build a fort and read and play all day in it.
She is also the biggest fan of Wheat Thins just like her mom and she has figured out how pull them out of the box and eat them. She will pull six out at a time and just look at her loot in amazement! She tries to shove them all in at once. It is too cute!
Easter Weekend
We had such a fun weekend. On Saturday we met up with some friends and went to the Clemson spring game. It was Halle's first game and she loved people watching. Every time the Tigers scored a touchdown they shoot a very loud canon. I jumped every time and Halle was not even phased. I cant wait till this Fall to get her dressed in orange to root em on. After the game we went to Andy and Kristen's. We hung out, played basketball and cornhole then ate the best oysters and shish kabobs. They were so good!!
Halle loved hanging out in her little walker. She figured out how to push herself backwards but could not go forward. She would push herself into our car tire where she could no longer watch the games going on but she didn't care, she was in her own little world talking and eating Cheerios. She was so sweet all day, which was surprising since she had no naps and didn't go to bed until 9:30!
Sunday we got all dressed up and went to church. It was an amazing sermon!! We picked up Halle from the nursery and she was sound asleep in the lady's arms. She was so peaceful. We headed home and hosted Easter lunch with some of Mike's extended family. It was a fun afternoon and poor Halle slept through it all.
The easter bunny left her a cute little basket full of eggs, bubbles, and an easter book. It was a great first Easter!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Halle at 10 1/2 months
Halle had her 10 month check up last week and Dr. Bean was impressed with how much she is talking. His only concern was that she still is not crawling or even attempting it. Well, we have been working hard on it and have been placing cheerios and crackers in front of her and she is learning to reach and can now go from sitting to laying. Wahoo! She is almost there.
Her 10 month stats:
Weight: 14.5 oz (5th %) Haha. She is tiny and eats all day! I think she has her dads metabolism.
Head: 17 in. (30th %)
Length: 27 in. (25th %)
Here is the cutest video ever! Halle just started saying dada and her daddy is whipped! She has been saying mama for a while now too!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hilton Head
Enjoying some live music
After a nice stroll on the beach Halle slept like a little angel.
She didn't know what to think of the sand between her toes.
Halle and her buddy James!
She couldn't stop laughing as we jumped the waves.
She loved watching the waves come in.
James and Missy invited us to stay at a really nice condo overlooking the marina.
It was a very nice relaxing trip!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
What a Difference a Week Makes
Last week South Carolina looked a lot like Utah! It snowed...in March! The weatherman kept saying a snow storm was coming but we all thought he was crazy. Well it rained all day and by late afternoon sure enough it started to snow. By that evening it was sticking and the flakes were huge and gorgeous. It was the most snow since 1993, a whole 4 inches!! I bundled Halle up and took her outside. She wasn't really phased. She just stared and was really more interested in Riley who was sliding all over the place and barking like a crazed animal at the strange white stuff falling from the sky. Mike and I stood staring straight into the white sky admiring the huge flakes. It was really trippy looking up and seeing a million snowflakes falling around the trees. Schools were cancelled the next day and delayed the next. It was truly a beautiful night!!! It made me sort of miss Utah but I love S.C. weather too much. Why? Last week it snowed and this weekend was 75. We had a great time laying in the hammock, gardening and doing yardwork, Halle and I even had a picnic while Mike unloaded rocks for our firepit, and we even hit a few balls at the driving range. I love Spring and I am loving the time change and it staying lighter later. What a difference a week makes. Next weekend, 53!?
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