Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Craft Time

I have been wanting to sew Halle a dress.  I was shopping yesterday and saw a cute dress at a boutique and it looked pretty easy to sew. After one mess up of a dress, an uncooperative sewing machine, and no pattern I finally did it. No I will be sewing up a storm. We are going to go tailgate at the Clemson-Carolina game and I will have to make her a Clemson dress next. 


Anonymous said...

The dress is really cute! Are you bringing her to the game? We took Sam last week, but have no plans to bring her to the Carolina game lol she would be way too much of a handful and we would not be able to have any fun (not that she isnt fun, just a lot of running around and work is involved lol) Yall definitely have to come visit the tailgate!

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

That is so cute! I am so impressed!

Outrageous Prices said... are amazing! That is a super cute dress. Way to be all crafty!

Erin said...

She looks so cute! I love it