Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Halle at 10 1/2 months

Halle had her 10 month check up last week and Dr. Bean was impressed with how much she is talking. His only concern was that she still is not crawling or even attempting it. Well, we have been working hard on it and have been placing cheerios and crackers in front of her and she is learning to reach and can now go from sitting to laying. Wahoo! She is almost there. 
Her 10 month stats:
Weight: 14.5 oz (5th %) Haha. She is tiny and eats all day! I think she has her dads metabolism.
Head: 17 in. (30th %)
Length: 27 in. (25th %)

Here is the cutest video ever! Halle just started saying dada and her daddy is whipped! She has been saying mama for a while now too! 


aleisa said...

Hayes, your little girl is too cute! I wish we could get together so that little Halle and Russell could play together! Someday we will :)

Lacey said...

Oh mannn....she is adorable!!!