Friday, April 24, 2009

I Love Springtime in the South

(Sorry this post is a little out of order but my pictures were posted weird and I didn't feel like spending forever fixing it.)
 Halle loved the lake!!
(This is why they call them the Blue Ridge Mountains)
(This is "our spot" where we park and hang out. There is a place in the woods where some people have made a cool little campsite that we are thinking of going for Mother's Day weekend)

It has been such beautiful weather lately down here in South Carolina! Mike and I have been doing a lot of things around town that are free and it's surprising how many fun things there are to do that require no money. Downtown Greenville has concerts every Thursday and Friday and we have gone to a few of those. Next week they are playing E.T. in the park. I hope we can make it. Last weekend we went on a hike to a waterfall with our friend Emily who was in town from Boone. It was a fun hike with a yummy picnic. Today we got the boat out and and went to the lake. It was Halle's first time on the boat and I was a little worried that she would hate sitting in a bulky uncomfortable life jacket but she loved every second of it. She had the wind in her face and was blowing raspberries the whole time. I love being outside in the Springtime!!

What a huge waterfall, huh? I forgot to take a picture of the real waterfall. So sad!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rain+Fort+Wheat Thins=Fun Times

Yesterday was a rainy day so Halle and I decided to build a fort and read and play all day in it. 
She is also the biggest fan of Wheat Thins just like her mom and she has figured out how pull them out of the box and eat them. She will pull six out at a time and just look at her loot in amazement! She tries to shove them all in at once. It is too cute!

Easter Weekend

We had such a fun weekend. On Saturday we met up with some friends and went to the Clemson spring game. It was Halle's first game and she loved people watching. Every time the Tigers scored a touchdown they shoot a very loud canon. I jumped every time and Halle was not even phased. I cant wait till this Fall to get her dressed in orange to root em on. After the game we went to Andy and Kristen's. We hung out, played basketball and cornhole then ate the best oysters and shish kabobs. They were so good!!  
Halle loved hanging out in her little walker. She figured out how to push herself backwards but could not go forward. She would push herself into our car tire where she could no longer watch the games going on but she didn't care, she was in her own little world talking and eating Cheerios. She was so sweet all day, which was surprising since she had no naps and didn't go to bed until 9:30!
Sunday we got all dressed up and went to church. It was an amazing sermon!! We picked up Halle from the nursery and she was sound asleep in the lady's arms. She was so peaceful. We headed home and hosted Easter lunch with some of Mike's extended family. It was a fun afternoon and poor Halle slept through it all. 
The easter bunny left her a cute little basket full of eggs, bubbles, and an easter book. It was a great first Easter!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Halle at 10 1/2 months

Halle had her 10 month check up last week and Dr. Bean was impressed with how much she is talking. His only concern was that she still is not crawling or even attempting it. Well, we have been working hard on it and have been placing cheerios and crackers in front of her and she is learning to reach and can now go from sitting to laying. Wahoo! She is almost there. 
Her 10 month stats:
Weight: 14.5 oz (5th %) Haha. She is tiny and eats all day! I think she has her dads metabolism.
Head: 17 in. (30th %)
Length: 27 in. (25th %)

Here is the cutest video ever! Halle just started saying dada and her daddy is whipped! She has been saying mama for a while now too!